Support Missions

You can support the missions of our church by praying, keeping in touch with the missionaries or by donations. “Faith pledge” is a promise made by faith to donate to missions on a monthly basis with a sum that you can choose yourself. 100% of this support is used for supporting missions done by our churches. To follow the work in missions, you can subscribe to the monthly newsletter “Lähetysikkuna”. Click here to become a Faith pledge donor or subscribe to our monthly missions newsletter. 

The donations are given monthly to Raamattu Puhuu ry Faith pledge account FI46 5541 2820 0294 46 OKOYFIHH using the reference # 81100. Please, notice that you will not get an invoice, so you can make this a monthly recurring payment on your account. 

Fundraising permit RA/2018/685 This permit is valid everywhere in Finland except the Åland Islands.